Frontend Developer

Avalon Innovation Technology AB / Datajobb / Stockholm
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Your challenge

A lot happens in the Front-End world and we are looking for a developer that is used to advise customers on technical challenges and guiding them to usable solutions. For that, we like you to have some experience and knowledge about different platforms and development languages. It would also be great if you are, like us, a team player who likes to share your knowledge to make us even greater. Maybe you have a knowledge that we lack, that would be awesome.

Depending on the customer, project, and your own interest, the technical challenges at Avalon can span the entire lifecycle of product development, from understanding and creating requirements, to testing and quality assurance.

Here is a wishlist of buzzwords and tech thingies of what we think might interest you.

Experience in front-end development or similar roleCSS3 and CSS preprocessors like SASSExperienced working with Javascript and frameworks like React, Vue, and AngularWorked with REST-api's for handling changesFundamental knowledge of user experience (UX design)Knows how to apply responsive designExperienced working with Git

If none of the above is on your shortlist of expertise but your still certain that we can't miss out on you, let us know that and why you are a great choice anyway.

Not a must, but nice to have:

Automated test frameworks like Jasmine, Jest, and Enzyme or similarTypescriptDocker or Node.js or GraphQLC#Experience in agile methodologies

Who are you

Well, who are we to tell you, but the people that work here are like:

Some are coders, some are designers, but we all love what we do. Some are makers that create fun and awesome projects in their spare time and happily discuss and share their ideas with their colleagues, or invite them to help build stuff. Some are parents focusing both on their children and their projects. Some are quite new citizens in Sweden and some moved to Stockholm from all parts of our country. What we have in common is that we love technology and dive deep into customer projects. We all share a passion for what we do and the quality of what we create.

So if you are passionate like us, you will have a great time with us at Avalon.

Who are we

Avalon Innovation is a Scandinavian consulting company that develops innovative product and system solutions. Through our innovation model, broad technical know-how, and humility towards each other, we help our customers meet the future. Our ambition is not to be the greatest, however, we will always strive to be the best at what we do.

Our corporate culture is among our most valued assets. We are all involved in and actively contribute to our mutual success and are motivated by working together to drive our business forward. We are excited to work at Avalon Innovation and can proudly say - I am an avalon!

Contact us

Emil Hillung, Head of Strategic Growth - Software & Cloud

Johanna Bergquist, Head of People & Culture

We have made our choice of media for recruitment and ask therefore politely to not take any contact with us regarding advert advertisement or any other sales regarding other recruitment services

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid Tillsvidare


Månadslön - Fixed salary

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-06-16
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Avalon Innovation Technology AB

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "avaloninnovation713".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Avalon Innovation Technology AB ( 556546-4525),


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