Engineer for data analysis in research projects on equine locomotion

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Uppsala
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Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry
The Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry ( is part of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and is responsible for undergraduate education, research and postgraduate education in the subjects anatomy and histology, physiology and biochemistry. The department teaches on several educational programs at the faculty and works primarily with livestock animals, sports- and accompanying animals as well as experimental animals. The research stretches from molecular and cellular mechanisms to the form and function of the whole animal, as well as how animals are affected by physical labour, training, production, stress, diseases, management and environmental factors. The department is situated in Uppsala.
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Our biomechanics research group consists of doctoral students and senior researchers who study animal movement and forces (kinematics and kinetics). The focus is on orthopedic diseases and athletic performance in horses. We work with various technical motion and force analysis systems such as Motion Capture, IMU sensors, force plates and Computer Vision techniques. The position involves work with technical aspects of interdisciplinary research between engineering and veterinary medicine. The work is a good preparation and merit for future PhD-education. We are looking for a new employee, research engineer who can participate in the technical development and applications of our interdisciplinary and applied research.

Your focus will be operational and development responsibility for our motion and force analysis systems, to organize and perform data collection of horses in the clinic and in the field, and to compile and analyze data with a focus on signal processing and mechanical modelling. The overall aim of your work is to ensure high level of technical quality in our research in both analysis and equipment. Some work with scientific and popular science writing may be included. Work may include tutoring and support to our postgraduate students and colleagues with your technical competence.

We are looking for you who have an engineering education and who have experience with handling horses. You have good ability to communicate in written and spoken English and preferably have basic communication skills in Swedish. We want you to have competence/experience with software programming and signal analysis. It is an advantage having experience/competence with biomechanical data analysis in Matlab, Python or similar programs. As a person, you are committed, thorough and responsible. In this role, demands are placed on good collaboration, initiative and organizational skills and great emphasis will be placed on personal qualities.

The appointment will be offered to the applicant who, following a qualitative comprehensive assessment, is deemed to have the best skills set to conduct and develop the duties in question, and contribute to the positive development of the organisation.

Place of work:

Form of employment:
Temporary employment for a maximum of 360 days.

100% or according to agreement.

Starting date:
According to agreement.

We welcome your application no later than January 9, 2023, use the button below.

Your application must contain CV, copies of merits and degrees and a personal letter of max one A4-page.

Academic union representatives:

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is a world-class international university with research, education and environmental assessment within the sciences for sustainable life. Its principal sites are in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala, but activities are also conducted at research stations, experimental parks and educational establishments throughout Sweden. We bring together people who have different perspectives, but they all have one and the same goal: to create the best conditions for a sustainable, thriving and better world.

SLU has just over 3,000 employees, 5,000 students and a turnover of SEK 3 billion. The university has invested heavily in a modern, attractive environment on its campuses.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2023-01-09
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Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet ( 202100-2817),

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Lars Roepstorff, Professor


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