Electrical System Engineer/Technician

Manpower Professional Engineering / Elektronikjobb / Lund
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Visa alla jobb hos Manpower Professional Engineering i Lund, Lomma, Staffanstorp, Malmö, Vellinge eller i hela Sverige

Manpower Professional finds and retains the most qualified people in the labour market, from executives to specialists. Especially within areas of Engineering.
Work Description
The business of Manpower Professional Engineering is growing and now we look to recruit an experienced consultant Electrical System Engineer/Technician for contract within the telecom industry in Lund.
You will report to Test and Verification Object Leader in platform project. You are responsible for delivery of deliverables according to Develop Test Implementation Specifications process, Design Test Station process, Verify Test System process and Producibility /DFM process.
You are able to work according to proper development process and guidelines such as WCDM process and its belonging guidelines (coding standard).
You will provide test platform support to product projects through the TTM and HVM phases. Also you support prototype builds, both off-site and on-site during both IP-phase and HV-phase. Secure Everest as a global reusable test platform. Further on you aim for minimizing product unique test solutions. Along you collect, analyze results from the field in terms of stability of test station, cost of test station, quality of products in order to make improvements within the platform project.
Who are you
You are competent within Analogue and Digital circuit hence being able to critically analyze based on basic design concept knowledge, like control circuits, open/close circuits.
You have experience of optics, like lenses, light emitters, sensors (touch) giving you the knowledge to perform measurements related to optics. Also you are able to define limits for component performance to put them in products, fixture context. You are also experienced in determine how to meet the requirements according to desired quality.
It is of importance you have some knowledge about photography, like aperture, contrast, exposure time.
You have intermediate skills in using the tools MATLAB, MiniTab.
As a person you are analytical and strategic and therefore able to analyze the stability of the test results and fixtures. You have knowledge of mathematical algorithms e.g. to calibration purpose. You are used to manage projects aiming to technical improvements and you have understanding for test/verification done on the supplier site. Also you are able to formulate clear requirements on supplier through PLD.
What do we offer you?
We offer you the opportunity to take on stimulating and developing contracts within the most attractive companies in our region. In your role as a consultant Engineer you carry great responsibilities but also the possibility to work on different projects and different sites gaining more knowledge and personal skills more rapidly.
Manpower and the value of differences
We put great value in the qualities that people of different age, gender, ethnicity and cultural differences brings to our business.
Are you the person we are looking for? Please apply to the jobb following the link bellow. The selection of candidates is done on-going and therefore it is suggested you apply ASAP. Please find consultant manager Patrik Löfving responsible for the process and dial 040-660 63 31 or e-mail: plofvi@manpower.se if you have any questions regarding this job opportunity.


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Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2011-08-12
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.
Ansökan sker via företagets webbplats.

Patrik Löfving, +46406606331

Manpower Professional Engineering

Manpower Professional Engineering


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