Dog Walker

Llaguno Alexander Fatima Cordelia / Djuruppfödarjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Llaguno Alexander Fatima Cordelia i Stockholm

Person who is in charge of picking up dogs at the customers address and take them out for a pack walk where they will get socialization, training and exercise.

• Has a passion and drive to work with animals
• Has an active lifestyle and love being outdoors
• Fluent english (most of our walkers speak english)
• Be able to walk 10 km daily on every type of weather
• Have basic knowledge of dogs
• Clean police records

Happy Walker is a dog walking company established since 2012, covering most of the inner parts of the city.

Our goal is to provide our clients with stable service so that they can be confident their pets are taken care of while they are away from home.
As a pack leader you will be in charge of keeping to a schedule on a timely manner to pick up the clients, be able to handle a pack of up to 6 dogs and help them with socialization and training. During your walk, you will need to help with PR and promotions.

A one month internship period is mandatory where you will learn about pack handling, how to create schedules, logistics and most importantly safety for you and the clients.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
• Need to do a one month internship for training *Hourly rate 40%-60%


• Hourly rate

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2018-02-20
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: Fatima LLaguno

Llaguno Alexander Fatima Cordelia

Llaguno Alexander Fatima Cordelia
Nicandervägen 7
11244 Stockholm

Nicandervägen 7


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