Doctoral Studentships In Ethnology At The Beegs

Södertörns högskola / Samhällsvetarjobb / Huddinge
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Diarienr. 49/22/2011
Södertörn University in south Stockholm is a dynamic institute of higher education with a unique profile and high academic standard. A large proportion of the university staff holds doctorates and there is a strong link between undergraduate education and research. Södertörn University currently has 12 000 students and 800 employees.
Södertörn University is an equal opportunities employer.
Call for applications for doctoral studentships at BEEGS, Södertörn University
A total of 15 doctoral studentships are available this year in the Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS). Södertörn University invites applications within five disciplines: Business Administration, Ethnology, History, Political Science and Sociology. These disciplines belong to two research areas. Research in BEEGS focuses on the Baltic Sea area and Eastern Europe, and successful applicants for the studentships must focus their research on this region. We welcome applicants from all over the world. We require fluency in English, since this is the working language at BEEGS.
BEEGS is part of the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES). For more details about BEEGS, see For more details about CBEES, see
We invite applications for 3-4 doctoral studentships in Ethnology (reference number 49/22/2011).
Please note that your application must reach Södertörn University by 1 March 2011 at the latest.
More information is available at


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Södertörns högskola

Södertörns högskola
Alfred Nobels allé 7
14189 Huddinge


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