Doctoral Position in Environmental Social Science

Göteborgs universitet / Administratörsjobb (offentlig verksamhet) / Göteborg
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The University of Gothenburg tackles society's challenges with diverse knowledge. 38 000 students and 6 000 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

Environmental social science (ESS) at the School of Global Studies is a new and growing interdisciplinary subject that explores questions related to environmental change and unsustainable natural resource use in the context of both the global north and south. The overarching aim of ESS is to contribute to an increased understanding of complex environmental problems through the application and development of social science theory and methodology. Currently, the 20 researchers within the ESS group are addressing a broad range of themes, including environmental governance & policy, sustainable development, green growth, environmental justice, traditional ecological knowledge, environmental education, political ecology, environmental conflicts, and marine resource use.

Job assignments
The purpose of undertaking doctoral studies is to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for conducting independent research within environmental social science. This position consists of one year of coursework and culminates in the production of a dissertation which makes a significant and original contribution to the research field. The knowledge and skills that are acquired should be applicable to postdoctoral research or other professional work. The doctoral position begins on August 2018 and covers four years (full-time equivalent, fixed term). The doctoral candidate may undertake departmental duties corresponding to up to 20% of a full-time position. If they do so, the duration of the appointment will be extended accordingly. The appointment covers tuition costs plus salary as an employee of the University of Gothenburg.

Applicants must fulfil both general and specific entry requirements.

An applicant meets the general entry requirements for third-cycle studies if they have obtained (Higher Education Ordinance Ch.7, Sec.39):

1. a degree at the second-cycle level,
2. at least 240 higher education credits, of which at least 60 must be at the second-cycle level, or
3. largely equivalent knowledge in other ways in Sweden or abroad.

An applicant meets the specific entry requirements for third-cycle studies if they have obtained (Higher Education Ordinance Ch.7, Sec.40) a degree at the second-cycle level in a social and behavioral science discipline, including 30 higher education credits at either first- or second-cycle level that have an environment focus and a thesis at the second cycle with an environment focus.
Applicants who have acquired largely equivalent knowledge in Sweden or abroad will also be considered to meet the specific entry requirements.

In accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance Ch.7, applicants will be selected based on an assessment of their ability to benefit from the study programme and on the Department's resources for offering supervision. The applicant's skills, experience, creativity and excellence in research are also assessed on the basis of:

1. A research proposal (max 2,000 words plus references) that describes the applicant's research interests and the planned focus of his/her doctoral thesis. The applicant's ability to formulate a research problem in relation to earlier research, and his/her familiarity with and handling of methodological and theoretical issues will be assessed.
2. A Master's thesis, academic papers and/or other relevant works. These will be used to assess the applicant's ability to formulate and delimit research tasks and present and analyze research results.
3. A CV summarizing relevant work experience, language proficiency and other skills.
4. Grades achieved in undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
5. Interviews will be held with shortlisted applicants.

Decisions on the shortlist will be made in April and final decisions in May.

The Head of Department is in charge of all admission decisions at the third-cycle level. This decision cannot be appealed.

For further information regarding the position
Per Knutsson, Senior Lecturer +46 (0) 31 786 4214,

For information on how to apply and for complete advertisement, please see:

Closing date: 6 of February 2018

In connection to this recruitment, we have already decided which recruitment channels we should use. We therefore decline further contact with vendors, recruitment and staffing companies.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid/ Ej specificerat


Universitetet tillämpar lokalt avtal om lönesättning av doktorander.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2018-02-06
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Göteborgs universitet

Göteborgs universitet
Institutionen för globala studier
Box 700
40530 Göteborg

Institutionen för globala studier
Box 700


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