Digital Sculptor - Creative design

Teknisk Utveckling / Formgivarjobb / Trollhättan
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Visa alla jobb hos Teknisk Utveckling i Trollhättan

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB (Nevs) builds on the Saab Automobile AB legacy of innovative power, quality, progressive design and a firm commitment to environmental and safety issues. Our aim is to be a front runner in the automotive industry, with focus on electric vehicles.

Research, development and manufacturing is a match between Swedish know-how in manufacturing and design and Japanese advanced technology. Research and development is conducted as a collaborative effort between Swedish, Japanese, and Chinese engineers.

The plant at Trollhättan is the main hub of National Electric Vehicle Sweden, including head office, research & development and manufacturing.

Our Engineering department is now creating a strong foundation of skills and we are therefore looking for three Digital Sculptors within the area of creative design, one of the positions will require Nufo planning skills.

In common these positions will include:

•        Alias modeling from concept to class A-surfaces.

•        Interpreting and defining the design intent of the industrial designer (verbal,
        point cloud or other scan data) while working with the mechanical engineering,
        manufacturing and tooling requirements (criteria). The 3D CAD data is used
        for development of product concepts, detailed appearance models and
        renderings as well as production level surfaces used for engineering and

We are looking for someone who has:

•           Relevant experience in the work area, at least 5 years, preferably in the
           automotive industry.

•           University engineering education or equivalent experience.

•           Drivers license B

You master English and Swedish, both spoken and written.

To be successful in this role, you need to:

•           Have minimum 5 years experience from Alias in Automotive Creative
           Design interior or exterior.

•           Ability to understand design ideas and translate into class A-surfaces.

•           Have functional and technical skills.

•           Be creative, solution-oriented and open minded.

•           Have good communication skills excellent automotive industry knowledge.

•           Be able to plan and prioritize.

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB is a member of the Engineering Industries and covered by current collective bargaining agreement signed by Unionen / Sveriges Ingenjörer / Ledarna.

Would You like to join the team, focusing on development of attractive vehicles for the future? If so, You are very welcome to submit Your application.


Arbetstider och omfattning
100%. Tillträde: Immediately tillsvidareanställning

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2014-02-23
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 2014/19
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Teknisk Utveckling

Teknisk Utveckling
Saabvägen 5
46138 Trollhättan


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