Data Privacy Officer

Tetra Pak / Datajobb / Lund
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The DPO role is to build and manage Tetra Pak's privacy program, to develop privacy policies for internal and external use cases and to describe privacy requirements for business partners, HR, IT and service providers. The position will run privacy risk assessments to target how the organization is faring against privacy-related regulatory requirements.

The DPO will report to the Director Information Security. This position is global and covers all countries in which Tetra Pak operates. The location may vary based on the selected candidate, preferably located in Sweden, Switzerland or Italy

Main responsibilities

Privacy Governance - Maintain, evolve and implement privacy policies, procedures and processes in coordination with appropriate members of the organization.

Privacy Impact Assessment - Determine the enterprise's specific privacy-related requirements and potential vulnerabilities. Participate in new business initiatives to identify and escalate privacy considerations. Manage the privacy threshold and impact assessment processes.

Privacy Compliance Monitoring - Ensure that business units, technology teams and third parties follow the privacy program, meet privacy policy requirements and address privacy concerns. Ensure EU GDPR compliance, as well as other identified regional or local privacy regulations. Coordinate with Local Data Privacy Officers/Coordinators during incidents (ISIRT) to ensure notification and reporting in compliance with local data privacy laws and regulations.

Personal Data Inventory and Usage - Support the creation of a group-wide inventory that documents how Tetra Pak processes personal data.

Information Technology - Serve as the internal advisor to IT and the information security department to interpret privacy-policy-related questions. Work to integrate controls within specific business and IT processes.

Awareness and Training - Create and coordinate privacy awareness training and orientation for all employees. Identify trends in privacy and regulatory requirements and compliance enforcement, and plan for changes.


We are looking for a communicative, proactive professional, motivated to actively collaborate across borders internally as well as externally. You are a natural informal leader, a strong communicator, with excellent presentation technique, and able to drive, embrace and implement change on all levels. You also have the following qualifications;
• 3 to 5 years of experience in privacy, data protection, security, risk management or compliance.
• Bachelor's degree in business administration, law, finance, accounting, computer science or a related discipline is required.
• Working knowledge of international privacy laws, regulations and industry best practices.
• Working knowledge of the EU Data Protection Directive and EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the EU E-Privacy Directive and their national implementations Knowledge of EU model contractual clauses for international data transfers.
• Experience or familiarity with governance, risk and compliance (GRC) tools and how they can potentially be used to support privacy-related GRC activities would be a plus.
• Cloud computing, online services, Web applications and enterprise applications.
• Fluent in English (written and verbal)

Please submit your application in English online at no later than April 25th, 2017.

For further information about the position, please contact Robert McIntyre at +1 940 384 2010.

For trade union information please contact Unionen/Annika Svensson at +46 46 36 3916 or Sveriges Ingenjörer/Lars Haraldsson at +46 46 36 2533.

For information about your application, please contact recruiter Christina Borin at +46 46 36 5434


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Sista dag att ansöka är 0001-01-01

Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak
Ruben Rausings gata
22186 LUND


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