
Lifesum / Marknadsföringsjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Lifesum i Stockholm

The words we use speak loudest about what we believe and who we are. That's why Lifesum is looking for a Product Copywriter. As copywriter, it will be your responsibility to make sure the words we use accurately reflect our brand and brand values.

You'll add personality to our app, being the voice that communicates with all our users, and make sure that it's intuitive to use. On the one hand, this will mean writing explanatory and introductory texts that capture people's attention, and drive them to engage with the app. On the other hand, you'll work to make our communication as effective as possible. How can we speak in a way that's informative, easy to understand, and compelling? Can we be more efficient with our words? Do we say 'control' or do we say 'management'? If this sounds like something that could work for you, take a look at the specifications for the role below.

Here's what your role will look like on a daily basis:

Naming features, buttons and pages within the product

Writing text for infographics and explanatory pages within the product

Learning, maintaining, and developing the Lifesum tone of voice

Editing and proofreading copy within the product

Contributing to the conceptualising of new product features

Working with designers and developers to implement copy into the app

We're looking for someone with:

2+ years copywriting

Curious and eager

Native level English

Good time-management, attention to detail, ability to collaborate, multitask, and work under pressure

Near perfect command of English language, grammar, spelling and punctuation

Previous work with an app and experience with internationalization are great but not necessary

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid Anställningstid enligt överenskommelse


Lön enligt överenskommelse

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2017-07-01
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Mikael Lundin


Klarabergsviadukten 90
11164 Stockholm

Klarabergsviadukten 90, Stockholm


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