B2B Customer Service

Swedish Nutra AB / Kundservicejobb / Malmö
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About this position:
We are looking for a person who can communicate effectively with B2B customers and help them to place order, book transport and answer any question they might have. This position has potential for growth and development within our company to expand to areas of responsibilities. Our customer are throughout Europe and even worldwide.
You need to be able to write and speak well in english language.
Send application to:
You can apply in English or Swedish.
We speak English and Swedish here.
The application should have: CV, Personal letter.
Swedish Nutra:
Swedish Nutra is a Malmö-based family company that produces dietary supplements in Östra Hamnen. We are a fast growing company with distribution all over the world. We offer a warm and pleasant work environment and care that each individual thrives. Swedish Nutra offers an enterprising environment with good opportunities to develop and grow in the work role.
Work location is Swedish Nutra, Lodgatan 19, 21124, Malmö
Start date: Immediately

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2023-08-26
E-post: office@swedishnutra.com

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "Service".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Swedish Nutra AB (org.nr 559133-7273)
Aspögatan 1 (visa karta)
211 24  MALMÖ


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