Assistant researcher i Agribusiness Economics

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Företagsekonomjobb / Uppsala
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences
Department of Economics, Uppsala
Assistant researcher in Agribusiness
with a focus on production economics and applied modeling
SLU is an international
university, world class in
live and environmental
sciences. We are ranked
among the Top 100 of ca
5,000 European
universities. We have a
strong research focus, but
we also offer some of
Sweden's most
in-demand educations;
veterinarian, forester, and
landscape architect.
Our vision is to be a leading European institution in Economic, Historical and Applied
Statistics Research, as well as in policy analysis and academic education within the
agricultural, resource, and environmental sectors. We strive for the highest scientific
quality, skill and proficiency, professionalism, reputation and creative thinking. We are now
seeking a qualified candidate to our Agribusiness Economics Unit
Duties: The successful applicant for this position is to work in the general area of
production economics with a particular emphasis on economic issues relating to new
technologies, animal welfare and the implementation of quality programs in the agricultural
sector with consideration of market structure and risks facing the industry. Empirical
applications may encompass the livestock as well as the cereal industries. The successful
applicant will further be expected to 1) design and implement major research projects and
to develop an interdisciplinary oriented research agenda 2) provide advanced
micro-economic and analyses, and 3) draft reports and produce publication-quality papers.
The person filling this position will be expected to contribute to a highly visible research
based program within the subject area.
Qualifications: Particular emphasis will be placed on scientific qualifications within the
subject area. The successful candidate will have a strong background in using economic
theory as well as having a strong background in advanced applied microeconomic modeling
techniques as well as relevant econometric methods. Knowledge and experience in applied
quantitative modeling methods are equally important. In particular, the applicant should
have strong oral and written communication skills in both Swedish and English. Teaching
experience within the subject field is seen as a merit.
This is a full-time position which includes teaching at the under-graduate level to an extent
of around 40% of full-time.
Required documents to be submitted: The following documents should be included with
each application: CV including a publication list, PhD diploma, copies of no more than five
publications, a description of previous research and other activities of relevance for the
position (maximum two pages), and a description of current research interests and planned
research that the applicant intends to carry out within this position (maximum two pages).
Names and addresses of at least two persons able to provide references for the candidate
should also be provided.
Form of employment: Permanent
SLU uses probitionary employment.
Starting date By agreement
SLU is an equal opportunity
We welcome your application (in english) marked with ref no 3538/2010. Send your application so the Registrar of SLU, P.O.Box 7070, S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden or no later than November 17, 2010.
Complete advt:


Arbetstider och omfattning
Full-time. Form om employment

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Ange följande referens när du ansöker: SLU ID 3538/2010
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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Box 7070

Telefonnummer: 018-671000


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