Assistant Professor

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Biologjobb / Umeå
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Visa alla jobb hos Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet i Umeå, Nordmaling, Vindeln, Krokom, Gävle eller i hela Sverige

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Forest Ecology and Management
Faculty of Forest Sciences Umeå, Sweden
Assistant Professor in soil-tree nutrient interactions
The positions are both fully financed for two+two years and will be based at the new and dynamic department of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU, Umeå, Sweden. Umeå is located in the boreal forest (c. 15 km from the Baltic Sea and 300 km from the Scandinavian mountain range on the border to Norway). Our major research focus is on the boreal forest, but we have activities also in other biomes. The department has about 80 members of staff out of which 14 are professors. We have the highest ambitions in science and teaching, excellent international contacts, modern technical facilities and access to unique long-term forest ecosystem experiments and other field sites. SLU in Umeå shares Campus with Umeå University ( Umeå has 110 000 inhabitants, located a one-hour flight from Stockholm.
Assistant professor in soil-tree nutrient interactions
A four-year Assistant Professor in soil-tree nutrient interactions, especially the long-term supply of base cations to trees in intensified forestry. A key issue is the effects of nutrient additions, especially additions of nitrogen, on the function of symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungi. Candidates for this position should have a broad knowledge of plant-soil interactions, ectomycorrhizal fungi and preferably also skills in mathematical modelling.
Duties: The primary responsibility of the Assistant Professor will be to develop research within the subject area. The assistant professor will take part in a multidisciplinary project Future Forest (, and he/she will be responsible for research on plant and soil interactions.
Eligibility: The applicants should hold a PhD (or the equivalent) in soil science or forest ecosystems ecology with an emphasis on soils. The exam should not be older than five years. The position as Assistant Professor is restricted to two years with a possibility of a maximum two year extension. The starting date is as soon as possible.
Assessment criteria: Special emphasis will be placed on scientific qualifications within the subject area.
The salary is based on your individual qualifications.
SLU is an equal opportunity employer.
For more information, Professor Peter Högberg, Telefonnummer: +46-90-786 8353; E-mail:
Union representatives are Lars Lundqvist, SACO, +46 (0) 786 84 07, or Barbro Gunnnarsson, ST, +46 (0)90 786 8248.
Questions about the formal procedures for the appointment, which includes external expert evaluation, should be put to Erik Sundström, phone + 46 90-786 82 88, or Maria Bergling, phone + 46 90-786 82 40, .
Required documents to be submitted: The application should be written in English. The following documents should be included with each application: CV including a publication list, PhD diploma or an endorsed statement by your supervisor that this exam will take place in 2009, copies of no more than five publications, a description of previous research and other activities of relevance for the position (maximum two pages), and a description of planned research that the applicant intends to carry out within this position (maximum two pages). Names and addresses of at least two persons able to provide references for the candidate should also be provided.
For a complete advt:


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Full-time. For a period of four max. years.

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