A PhD Student position in the subject of Medical

Umeå universitet / Högskolejobb / Umeå
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A PhD Student position
in the subject of Medical Science with an orientation towards Global Health
See complete ad: www.jobb.umu.se
at the Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine
The Faculty of Medicine is one of five faculties of Umeå University. The faculty is an organization for education and research in the fields of medicine, dentistry and health care. It is comprised of 13 departments, 2 research centres and 12 academic programmes. Within the faculty there are approximately 3 000 undergraduate and 500 graduate students, and 1 000 employees including 500 teachers/researchers.
Description of the PhD project
Climate change is expected to be the most significant threat to global health and economy in modern time with the most severe effects in the developing countries. Not only will there be increasing exposure to heat, more frequent storms, floodings and droughts, change in range and extent of vectorborne diseases as malaria, and an increasing burden of waterborne diseases, but also freshwater deficiency and starvations will make the living conditions in some areas put to an extreme. Researchers and politicians in public health now share a new agenda emphasising the importance of the studying health and climate change for mitigation, policy and adaptation, but also to achieving global security. The PhD position involves mainly working on epidemiological studies of infectious diseases, impacts of a climatic change, and its implication for adaptation and policy decision worldwide.
Further information
The application should include a Curriculum Vitae, a short description of experience indicating your suitability for the position and your reasons for interest, copies of degree certificates, relevant publications, and contact details for at least two academic references.
For further information, please contact Dr Joacim Rocklöv, joacim.rocklov@envmed.umu.se , phone +46-(0)90-785 16 35 or +46-(0)70-636 16 35 or professor Lars Weinehall, lars.weinehall@epiph.umu.se , phone +46-(0)90-785 29 31 or +46-(0)70-564 46 52.
Other information
Further information is available from www.umu.se/medfak/utbildning/
Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO civil, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.
The procedure for recruitment for the position is in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance (chapt12,2§) and the decision regarding the position cannot be appealed. Applications will be discarded or, if the applicant so wishes, returned two years after the position has been filled. Applications that are submitted electronically should be in Word or PDF format.
Your complete application, marked with reference number 313-745-09, should be sent to jobb@umu.se or to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive August 31st, 2009 at the latest.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Heltid. Tidbegränsad anställning.

Fast lön
Avtalsenlig lön.

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2009-08-31
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 313-745-09
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress: jobb@umu.se

Lars Weinehall, 090-785 2931

Umeå universitet

Umeå universitet
90187 UMEÅ

Telefonnummer: 090-786 50 00


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