3 PhD student positions in Process matallurgy
Luleå Tekniska Universitet / Gruv- och metallurgijobb / Luleå
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hela Sverige We are now looking for three PhD students in Process Metallurgy, who together with senior researchers will do research within the area of base metals metallurgy.
PhD 1) Impurity management by selective removal and valorisation, PhD project and industrial project, reference number 2139-08
The aim is to find hydrometallurgical pathways to bleed out impurities from the metal extraction chain and convert them into valuable products. The project will focus on possibilities to remove impurity elements like As, Sb, Bi and Te from concentrates and other by-products formed in the different operations during base metal extraction. Emphasis will be on selective leaching of impurities and non-payable minor elements followed by solution purification
PhD 2) Impact of impurities on extraction, smelting and refining processes, PhD project, reference number 2140-08
The aim is to determine the impurity capacity of smelter process units and recovery rates of value added materials. Experimental studies will be carried out in laboratory scale equipment to determine distribution of impurities and impact of impurities on processes and products. Recovery of valuable minor elements will be investigated. Connected to the experimental work thermodynamic analysis will be done. A combination of available thermodynamic data/models and plant data, complemented with measurement of thermodynamic data when needed will lead to a fundamental knowledge of smelter capacities for impurities and possibilities for recovery of valuable materials.
PhD 3) Slag metallurgy, reference number 2141-08
This project is related to slag metallurgy of copper smelter slag and is carried out in cooperation with Boliden Mineral AB. The aim is to understand the slag metallurgy to assure the quality of the slag. Studies will a.o. be carried out to study the influence of impurities such as alumina on the properties of fayalite slag, glass forming mechanisms, leaching properties. The research includes experimental work at high temperatures in laboratory scale, thermodynamic calculations and mineralogical characterization of slag material, using, e.g., XRD, SEM, thermal analysis and leaching test. Earlier experience in this field of research is a merit.
Qualifications: The candidate is required to have a Master thesis degree in Metallurgy, Chemical technology, Materials engineering or Chemistry.
Read more about the positions on the LTU homepage:
http://www.ltu.se/omltu/ledigajobb/d21832/d21835/1.39434Publiceringsdatum2008-08-07Arbetstider och omfattningVisstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
depending on project
ErsättningFast lön
monthly salary
Så ansöker duSista dag att ansöka är 2008-08-29
Application: The applicamts must submit a resume following the LTU template with a cover letter, relevant references, transcripts of grades and degrees, marked with the appropriate reference number(s), to Luleå University of Technology, The Registry Secretary, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden or by e-mail to
registrator@ltu.seAnge följande referens när du ansöker: 2139-08, 2140-08, 2141-08
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:
registrator@ltu.seKontaktDr Caisa Samuelsson, tel +46 (0)920 491385 +46 (0),
caisa.samuelsson@ltu.seProfessor Åke Sandström, tel +46 (0)920 491290 +46,
aka.sandstrom@ltu.seFöretagLuleå Tekniska Universitet
AdressLuleå Tekniska Universitet
97187 LULEÅ
KontaktuppgifterTelefonnummer: 0920-491000
Faxnummer: 0920-491399
Jobbnummer 281209
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